For the past 8 weeks, we’ve talked about accountability, discipline, confronting our own BS and establishing great habits to become our strongest, fastest & most savage.
What happens when the bad habits come back?
What happens when all those thoughts, addictions, influences & excuses you thought you were past…. Come back for another turn. What happens when they ALL come back to crash right back into you… Almost as if they're back for revenge!; Tougher than ever… to tear down everything you’ve built.
It’s the inescapable battle between the old you and the improved you.
Some of us call it fighting our demons. Some call it the past coming back to haunt us.
Some of us cling to the things surrounding our old identity so intensely we can never let them go. We can slowly feel ourselves slipping back into our old ways just to make ourselves feel comfortable again.
Some of us even downplay our own worthiness and subconsciously convince ourselves that we in some way deserve to live with less, even after feeling what life was like when we reached for more.
The new habits we’ve worked so hard to establish are now DIRECTLY threatened by the old habits we worked so hard to get past.
Remember Your Why.
Bottom Line. Remember why you started. Remember why you’re here.
Remember what made you reach out. Remember that gut feeling. How did it feel to be yourself & live your life at that time? Right before you reached out.
And then, remember how it feels today, or felt yesterday or even last week, when you hit that new level, got up earlier than ever, stayed focused the whole morning, prepped your day in advance, hit a PR, lifted more or lasted longer than you ever have before.
And decide which one feels better.
It’s time to Reach back.
but Not too deep.. Just the past 8 Weeks.
Let’s Look back at our last 8 weeks of CHARGE UP’s and realize what we’ve built together: Your New 8 HABITS OF SAVAGERY
Review Each One.
Then Get Your @$$ Up & Get it Done.
(Click on all the title links below)
You have to BE IT Inside... before you can SEE IT Outside. So lock In, show up to your sessions & work to become the best version of yourself.
Focus on having an additive mindset and adding more good things to your life. So much so, that you won't have time or space to waste on entertaining the bad.
Get Your @$$ UP & Do the EXACT THINGS, you know, you promised yourself you would do.
Put your fuel, performance, and progress goals right in front of you to keep working & reaching for them everyday.
Your best day started yesterday. Prepare yourself in advance to win each week.
Understand that you are fully responsible for what you say, do or choose to focus on at all times.
Confront yourself and know that, no matter how it feels, you have another level left and you are capable of more.
Make the direct decision to DRXVE and keep moving your life higher.
Anytime you feel your old habits creeping back up on you… Use these tools to kill them.
We’ve built these 8 HABITS organically over the past 8 WEEKS with your sweat, effort and authentic feedback in The Savage Lands. Let’s USE what we’ve done to KEEP MOVING FORWARD.
Take the time to review everything we’ve talked about over the past 8 weeks and let’s keep talking about your 8 HABITS OF SAVAGERY in Camp & Sessions.
Send a message or text me if you have any questions.
Let’s GO!